When Things Feel Out of Control
Posted on February 13, 2024 • 4 min read • 826 wordsIt is easy to feel like we are in control when life is going well. But, when life takes an unexpected turn, it is easy to see just how much of an illusion control really is. The good news is hope, peace, and comfort are still yours to behold when things feel out of control. When things don't go as we planned. When the medical tests come back with news we didn't expect. When healing didn't happen when we hoped it would. When you or someone you love are in an unexpected accident. When you lose someone without warning.
Being real with you, I’ve frequently wrestled with believing the illusion that I was in control. I would make plans, believing things would unfold accordingly. Then, something unforeseen would catch me off guard. Anxiety would wash over me like a rip tide threatening to pull me under. I would desperately brainstorm, plan, rehearse, and arrange whatever I could to get things back under my control. The irony is, the more I try to hold onto control, the more I realize I never had it in the first place. I tried to maintain stability and security in my own strength, in my own way, but to no avail.
Freedom from fear, anxiety, hopelessness, helplessness, and desperation does exist. There is freedom in realizing: I am not actually in control of every detail of every situation, and I have peace with that because I know the One who is. Not only do I know who but I know his character, and that gives me strength, peace, comfort and hope to not succumb to this obstacle before me, but overcome it.
You see, friend, God is not circumstantial or situational. God is eternal and unchanging. God is in control of all things at all times. Nothing catches him by surprise. Nothing catches him off guard. I pray the gravity of these truths ground you. Embrace you. Carry you through this.
You aren’t walking through this trial alone. God went before you, placing provision for you along the way. The victory is assured in Him. God can do all things but fail. Not only did he prepare your way, he is also by your side with each step you take. You aren’t alone in this. You will never be alone in this. God’s presence is a guaranteed, constant promise. God isn’t like man, he can’t break a promise.
This trial isn’t going to end in your breakdown; this trial is going to end in your breakthrough - if you let it. Scripture assures us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). Not SOME things. God works ALL things together for the good of those who love him. That means this situation you are facing right now.
God is in control of all things. He is also a gentleman; he doesn’t force us into submission, he invites us into relationship. Lean in. Unload the burden you are carrying in this trial and lay it in his ever-capable hands. You weren’t meant to carry it in the first place. Lay it all down (and don’t you dare pick it up again later!)
Surrendering it all to God is immensely powerful. Some people view surrender as weakness or failure in terms of battle strategies, but it takes immense strength and trust to surrender it all. It’s in that moment when we come to the end of ourselves (our limited strength, our abilities, our plans, our expectations), and admit the truth. We don’t always “got this.” We need help. Thankfully, the Bible assures us, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). God is a good Father. He steps in like the loving, protective, present dad that he is when we call to him. It is as simple as prayer.
As you view the situation before you, I want to encourage you with some of the names of God in the Bible. Pick one name below that comforts you in this difficult season of life. Meditate on it. Hold onto it. Remember God doesn’t change.